Oakfield Road LRD
We, Novot Holdings Ltd., intend to apply to Sligo County Council for permission for a Large-Scale Residential Development on a site which extends to c.6.17ha on lands located on the Oakfield Road, Sligo, Co. Sligo. The application is being made under the provisions of the Planning and Development (Amendment) (Large-Scale Residential Development) Act 2021.
The development will consist of the following:
I. Construction of 207 no. residential units comprising:
• 21 no. 1-bedroom apartments,
• 37 no. 2 bedroom apartments,
• 4 no. 2 bedroom terrace houses,
• 99 no. 3 bedroom terrace houses,
• 4 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached houses,
• 42 no. 4 bedroom semi-detached houses.
II. Provision of a creche facility including a secure external play area.
III. Provision of all associated surface water and foul drainage services and connections with all associated site works and ancillary services.
IV. Pedestrian, cycle, and vehicular access/egress, and internal pedestrian and cycle access/egress along Oakfield Road.
V. Provision of public open space, communal open space, private open space, site landscaping, public lighting, refuse storage, car parking, bicycle parking, boundary treatments, and all associated site development works.
A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared in respect of the proposed development and accompanies this application.